Setting up EPiServer find demo index – The remote server returned an error: (413) Request Entity Too Large. 

When running indexing for EPiServer find, the “EPiServer Find Content Indexing Job” in admin tools. The episerver find logs were filling up with these errors:

The remote server returned an error: (413) Request Entity Too Large. 

Problem connected to restrictions for the developer demo index.
I added this setup method as last setup line to the FindInitializationModule:

	    private static void DemoIndexSetting()
	        string demoIndexSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnableEPiServerFindDemoIndexSettings"];
	        bool demoIndexEnabled = false;
	        if (bool.TryParse(demoIndexSettings, out demoIndexEnabled))
	            if (demoIndexEnabled)
                     * demo index has the following limitations:
                        Maximum 10000 documents
                        Maximum 5MB request size
                        Maximum 25 queries per second
                        The index will be removed after 90 days
                    ContentIndexer.Instance.Conventions.ForInstancesOf<IContentMedia>().ShouldIndex(x => false); //dont index any mediafiles, size limit is 5MB 
                    ContentIndexer.Instance.MediaBatchSize = 3; //default 5
	                ContentIndexer.Instance.ContentBatchSize = 20; //default 100, but demo has limit of 25 

Also added this setting to web.config to enable this feature for certain environments. (dev, test etc. using transformations)

    <add key="EnableEPiServerFindDemoIndexSettings" value="true" />

Demo developer services:

Elasticsearch for .NET and EPiServer developers

Ealasticsearch Tutorial:

Vulcan is an EPiServer lightweight (free) alternative to EPiServer find, based on Elasticsearch as well:

Creating EPiServer admin tool plugins using MVC

Creating the tool:
EPiServer – How to create gui plugins using MVC – Dejan Caric
I had to configure the route initialization like this to make it work:

        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
            RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute("ContentLanguagePlugin", "admin-tools/content-language-plugin/{action}/{id}",
                    controller = "ContentLanguagePlugin",
                    action = "Index",
                    id = UrlParameter.Optional
                    controller = "ContentLanguagePlugin"


I added EPiServer resources in <head> for EPiServer CSS feeling to it:
(_Layout.cshtml file)

@using EPiServer.Framework.Web.Resources
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
    <title>Content Language Tool</title>

    <!-- Shell -->

    <!-- LightTheme -->

    <!-- Navigation -->

    <!-- Dojo Dashboard -->
    @Html.Raw(ClientResources.RenderResources("DojoDashboardCompatibility", new[] { ClientResourceType.Style }))
        a {
            color: blue !important;
        a:hover {
            text-decoration: underline !important;

    <div class="epi-padding epi-contentArea">


Some info regarding the EPiServer CSS classes etc:


How to define default values for pages and blocks in EPiServer CMS 7+

Source: How to define default values for pages and blocks in EPiServer CMS 7

Also see this: using [DefaultValue] attribute:
Default property values on content in EPiServer are set by overriding SetDefaultValues. In an attempt to make my model classes a bit tidier, by not having to do the override in lots of places, I wrote a little piece of code which enables the use of the DefaultValue attribute (found in System.Component)


Set available buttons for TinyMCE Editor in EPiServer 8+

From this guide:

A toolbar looking like this (quite many buttons available):
Image 20160517 145713 001

Uses this TinyMCESettings C# code:

using EPiServer.Core.PropertySettings;
using EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;

namespace MySolution.Core.ContentEditing
    [ServiceConfiguration(ServiceType = typeof(PropertySettings))]
    public class DefaultTinyMCESettings : PropertySettings<TinyMCESettings>
        public DefaultTinyMCESettings()
            IsDefault = true;
            DisplayName = "Default settings";
            Description = "Default configuration as defined by the developers.";

        public override TinyMCESettings GetPropertySettings()
            var settings = new TinyMCESettings();

            settings.ToolbarRows.Add(new ToolbarRow(new string[]
                TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerLink, TinyMCEButtons.Unlink, TinyMCEButtons.Image, TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerImageEditor, TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerPersonalizedContent, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.PasteText, TinyMCEButtons.PasteWord, TinyMCEButtons.RemoveFormat, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.Table, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.RowProperties, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.CellProperties, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertRowBefore, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertRowAfter, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.DeleteRow, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertColumnBefore, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.InsertColumnsAfter, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.DeleteColumns, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.SplitCells, TinyMCEButtons.TableButtons.MergeCells
            settings.ToolbarRows.Add(new ToolbarRow(new string[]
                TinyMCEButtons.Bold, TinyMCEButtons.Italic, TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerQuote, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.JustifyLeft, TinyMCEButtons.JustifyCenter, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.SuperScript, TinyMCEButtons.SubScript, TinyMCEButtons.BulletedList, TinyMCEButtons.NumericList, TinyMCEButtons.CharacterMap, TinyMCEButtons.Outdent, TinyMCEButtons.Indent, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.StyleSelect, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.Undo, TinyMCEButtons.Redo, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.Search, TinyMCEButtons.Replace, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,
                TinyMCEButtons.Code, TinyMCEButtons.Separator,

            // Add the default non-visual plugins that replaces built in functionality with EPiServer specifics.

            //if (PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("administrators"))
            //    //Chance to personalize. Let's allow administrators to access the html editor.
            //    settings.ToolbarRows[1].Buttons.Add("code");

            settings.Height = 200;
            settings.Width = 600;
            return settings;

        public override System.Guid ID
            get { return new System.Guid("a6fe936f-190d-45e2-b83c-ccc0501a7312"); }


Troubleshooting EPiServer 7+ search indexing-service

Search index is located at:
Index folder can be deleted, an then triggered by this tool (click start indexing).
Url: http://[mysite]/EPiServer/CMS/Admin/IndexContent.aspx
The index folder should now be created if all configuration is correct.

Troubleshooting: Troubleshooting EPiServer search indexing-service | Hans Kindberg

Setup and configuration for search: Svein Aandahl’s Blog: How to install EPiServer Search for EPiServer CMS 7