EPiServer Commerce 1 and Associations

If working with associations in EPiServer commerce (e.g accessories or related products) and wonder which associations are active – just look in the tables CatalogAssociation  and CatalogEntryAssociation.

FROM [MyCommerceDB].[dbo].[CatalogAssociation]
WHERE Associationname LIKE '%Free%'

The column CatalogAssociationId indicates the foreign key in CatalogEntryAssociation table.

FROM [MyCommerceDB].[dbo.[CatalogEntryAssociation] where CatalogAssociationId = 123

Replace 123 with your CatalogAssoicationId.



Episerver Commerce 1.1 Dev Guide – Shopping Cart

Key files and controls
Overview of cart object
Accessing/adding cart items
Workflows/How totals are calculated
Cart persistence

The workflow updates a number of properties of the Cart to indicate various totals. These properties allow you to easily display the price for a line item, the discount amount, and the after-discount-price. These include

Cart.SubTotal is the total for the cart, after discounts are applied.

LineItem.ListPrice is the price before discount

LineItem.ExtendedPrice is the price for a lineitem, given the quantity of the item and applicable discounts.

LineItem.LineItemDiscountAmount is the total amount of discount for a LineItem.

Shopping Cart.

Setup Commerce EPiServer Site

(0. Setup the CMS site as usual in IIS)

1. Add “Commerce Manager Site” in IIS, Commerce version 1 is NET 2.0 app pool , point to “Manager” folder of EPiServer Commerce. E.g “MySiteCommerceManager” for project MySite: C:\Projects\MySite\Solution Items\CommerceManager”
for instance the same hostname as the CMS site e.g MySite.local but use port 8080 in IIS.

2. Add various “virtual directories”:
E.g from this path:
C:\Projects\MySite\Main\Solution Items\Commerce\Framework\Shared\*
(PS. folders _cmsbase and _cmsctrls is removed from EPiServer Commerce 7.0+)

3. Set config files paths for c: to correct places.
(in Visual Studio shift+ctrl+f) search for “c:” look in “entire solution ” look at these files types: *.config
e.g VPP – in commerce/manager/configs/baf.config

4. Make sure Commerce licene is in place:
At Manager root folder AND in webste root folder. Important! can for instance make it impossible to add items to cart in website (just redirects to startpage or similar strange error).

Errors and problems:

Can’t find error template “StoreClosed.htm”
– Setup the correct virtual directories for manager site:

Assembly Episerver.Commerce, Episerver.Licensing couldnt be found
– Add assemblies to the manager bin folder.

Licenses missing
– Add EPiServerCommerceLicense.config to webroot of manager site AND to website root.

A more detailed setup from scratch:
